August 13th: TCSD Know Your Rights Workshop!

Know Your Rights Flyer

San Diego renters, you don’t have to tolerate habitability issues and constant rent increases in one of the most unsustainable expensive housing markets in the country!

Come participate in a Know Your Rights workshop put on by Tenant Council of San Diego members at the College-Rolando Library on August 13th at 1:00 pm. You have a right to safe, functional, and dignified housing! 


College-Rolando Library Community Room
6600 Montezuma Rd, San Diego, CA 92115


Tenant Councils of San Diego


  1. I’m interested in the tenants’ right workshop, but still cautious about being with an indoor group because of covid. Is the room well-ventilated? Are you also recording the workshop. Perhaps I can watch it online afterward.

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